Instagram is Instacrack
I initially saw Instagram as a parade of ’70s filter selfies from the younger and hipper slice of my Facebook feed. Its in-the-moment experimentation looked fun, but I didn’t quite have the itch to dive in.
I decided to try it out – follow friends and artists, put up a few favorites from my archives. What the hell took me so long?
Intervention 2014
To the folks confused by Sexy Bacon in the elevator, Intervention is where people learn to start online businesses. To me, it’s where I ended up hanging out with a live radio broadcast and drinking in a packed hotel room with a large man in a Burger King crown who periodically raised the ice bucket in proclamation to ensure that all of his subjects were having an excellent time.
Intervention is where I continue to learn, to meet new friends and reforge connections with those from prior years – and to be inspired to try instead of fearing that I’m Doing It Wrong.
Saints Row the Third – Asshattery Deluxe
Back in the day, I tried out various Grand Theft Auto games for the ridiculous gangster antics. I never got very far. I had to fight through too many story missions to unlock any suitable playground, and the difficulty ramped up too fast to be any fun for someone with minimal skills at fast twitch aiming with a controller.
The spousal unit convinced me to try out Saints Row the Third. It totally was the shenanigans game I’d always wanted.
Dynasty Warriors – Time For a Change
This Three Kingdoms action game franchise has maintained enough “it” factor to keep its fans coming back for more. And it is coming back as well, with a 7th installment recently announced. Some fans remain skeptical. I’m hoping for a reboot of a series that has only touched a fraction of its potential. The subpar story and clunky battle engine could be overhauled without fixing what was never broken to begin with.